Learner Stories

“The team have helped me through my journey at Futureworks  NY and I couldn’t be more grateful. They have encouraged me to try new things and come out of my comfort zone. I have become a more confident person because of Futureworks”.


It is something that I would absolutely recommend to anybody, young or old, who is looking to get in some form of career whether that’s care, a trade or anything else and that they need support to contact them because they will help you from the day you meet them.


Charlie* started at Futureworks as a 15-year-old who had not been in education since the age of 8 years old due to bullying. His parents knew that he needed some educational experience and was referred to us as we had been recommended. Charlie started working with his mentor, David, within the office to build his educational attainment and confidence. It was very apparent that Charlie had not been in education for a while as he was emotionally behind his peers.

Working with David, Charlie achieved his Entry 3 Maths & English and gained lots of new experiences socially with his group. Through discussions on career planning, Charlie expressed an interest in something more hands on, and he was referred to the workshop to have a go. Although college is often the next step for most of our clients, it was felt that Charlie was not quite ready, and he and his mum agreed.

Charlie was introduced to the workshop and once started, quickly settled in, and got stuck in with furniture restoration and building his skills. He built a good relationship with the workshop supervisor Jamie as well as our regular volunteer Richard who taught him new skills in design and art techniques. Charlie was enjoying his newfound skills so much he asked for joinery tools for Christmas from his parents.

It was not only his practical skills that were developed within the workshop, he was also introduced to new life skills through different activities including going for lunch. This was the first time Charlie had been out for lunch without his mum and although he found it nerve wracking, he thoroughly enjoyed it and even tried his first Yorkshire Pudding!

It is important to us that our clients continue their learning and development when they leave us and for Charlie it was lots of discussions with him and mum on his progression route. It was clear that Charlie was now ready to move onto college and this was something he wanted to do but was stuck between joinery and mechanics. With support from staff, Charlie applied for college and was accepted to do mechanics, which was his eventual choice. As is our ethos with all our clients, discussions took place with college and Charlie to ensure that the support he needed would be in place for when he starts college in September. Charlie also knows that our door remains fully open to him, should he need any further support or eve to call in for a cuppa and a chat.


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40 Victoria Road
YO11 1 SD

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